The aim of the World Heat Flow Database Project is to develop a new research data infrastructure for the IHFC Global Heat Flow Database that offers a one-stop shop for comprehensive information on heat-flow related data, publications, projects, and researchers. Supported by the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC), this new user-oriented web service will offer to the geoscientific community quality-proofed, up-to-date, well-documented, extended, enriched, and restructured heat-flow data. The project supports the Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project, led by IHFC and Task Force VIII of the International Lithosphere Program (ILP).

The new technical database will reflect the criteria of FAIR and OPEN data policy and will support the interoperability with other geoscientific data services (e.g. EPOS). Core elements are the provision of globally used persistent identifiers: (i) DOI for heat-flow data newly submitted to the database, (ii) ORCID IDs to uniquely identify authors, and (iii) International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN) for connecting data and literature with physical samples on which data were measured. Overall, the World Heat Flow Database Project will define the next level of geo-data infrastructure research.

The project (phase one: 04.2022-03.2025) is funded by the "The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (DFG, German Research Foundation). Project partners are the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and the Technical University of Dresden. Contact the project PI.

Upcoming events

  • Nov 2024 - 12th project workshop (2 days, Potsdam)
  • Sep 2024 - 11th project workshop (2 days, Potsdam)

Project record

  • Jun 2024 - 10th project workshop (2 days, Dresden)
  • Apr 2024 - presentations and project stakeholder workshop as splinter meeting at EGU2024 in Vienna, Austria (heatflow spring 2024))
  • Mar 2024 - FOSSGIS 2024 - [presentation]
  • Feb 2024 - 7th project workshop (2 days, Potsdam)
  • March 2024 - Community and stakeholder kick off meeting
  • Oct 2023 - 6th project workshop (19-20 Oct, Dresden)
  • Aug 2023 - 5th project workshop (27-28 Aug, Potsdam)
  • Jul 2023 - IUGG summerschool and workshops (3-11 July, Berlin)
  • May 2023 - 4th project workshop (Potsdam)
  • Mar 2023 - 3rd project workshop (2-3 March, Potsdam)
  • Dec 2022 - 2nd project workshop (1-2 December, Dresden)
  • Jun 2022 - 1st project workshop (30-1 July, Potsdam)
  • Jun 2022 - Cermak7 Meeting (20-22 June, Potsdam)
  • May 2022 - Kick-off meeting


Members of the World Heat Flow Database Project team:

Sven Fuchs (PI)
Section Geoenergy
GFZ Potsdam

Ben Norden
Section Geoenergy
GFZ Potsdam

Florian Neumann
Section Geoenergy
GFZ Potsdam

Stephan Maes (Co-PI)
Chair of Geoinformatics
TU Dresden

Nikolas Ott
Chair of Geoinformatics
TU Dresden

Publications and Outreach

  • Nikolas Ott, Stephan Mäs, Sven Fuchs, Kirsten Elger, Samuel Jennings, Florian Neumann, Ben Norden, Simone Frenzel (2024) Das Weltwärmestrom Datenbank Projekt: webbasierte Explorationswerkzeuge für Punktdaten, basierend auf VueJS und MapLibre. FOSSGIS-Konferenz (20. bis 23. März 2024, Hamburg, Germany)
  • Florian Neumann, Sven Fuchs, Ben Norden, Elif Balkan-Pazvantoğlu, Alexej Petrunin, Samah Elbarbary, Samuel Jennings, Kirsten Elger, Simone Frenzel, Nikolas Ott, Stephan Maes, Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Group (2024) The heat flow data assessment project: Transformation of the global heat flow database. EGU General Assembly 2024, April 2024, Vienna, Austria
  • Samuel Jennings, Kirsten Elger, Sven Fuchs, Florian Neumann, Ben Norden, Simone Frenzel, Stephan Maes, Nikolas Ott (2024) Geoluminate: A community-centric framework for the creation, deployment and ongoing development of decentralized geoscience data portals. EGU General Assembly 2024, April 2024, Vienna, Austria
  • Stephan Mäs, Kirsten Elger, Sven Fuchs, Nikolas Ott, Samuel Jennings, Ben Norden, Florian Neumann, Simone Frenzel (2023) an international research data infrastructure for the Global Heat Flow Database. NFDI4Earth - Interessensgruppe Geologie & Geophysik (I3G) Workshop 29.11.2023
  • Fuchs, S., Norden, B., Neumann, F., et al.(2023): Quality-assurance of heat-flow data: The new structure and evaluation scheme of the IHFC Global Heat Flow Database, Tectonophysics,
  • Ott, N., & Mäs, S. (2023). Analysis of free web mapping libraries. Zenodo.
  • Fuchs, S., Norden, B., Neumann, F., Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Group, International Heat Flow Commission (2023): The Global Heat Flow Database: New quality scheme and data release 2023, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023).
  • Norden, B., Förster, A., Fuchs, S. (2023): The quality assessment of the German heat flow database, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023).
  • Fuchs, S., Neumann, F., Norden, B., Beardsmore, G., Chiozzi, P., Colgan, W., Anguiano Dominguez, A. P., Duque, M. R. A., Ojeda Espinoza, O. M., Forster, F., Förster, A., Fröhder, R., Fuentes-Bustillos, K., Hajto, M., Harris, R., Jõeleht, A., Liebing, H., Liu, S., Lüdtke, G., Madon, M., Negrete-Aranda, R., Poort, J., Reznik, I. J., Riedel, M., Rolandone, F., Stål, T., Verdoya, M., Wu, J.-N. (2023): The Global Heat Flow Database: Update 2023. GFZ Data Service
  • Fuchs, S., Förster, A, Norden, B. (2023) A new quality assessed heat flow database for Germany, DGG Jahrestagung 2022 Bremen, Germany, 06.03.-09.03.2023 (ORAL)
  • Neumann, F.; Norden, B.; Fuchs, S. (2022) The Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project and Fellowship Program RAUGM 2022, Mexico, 30.10.-04.11.2022 (POSTER)
  • Fuchs, S., The Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Group (2022): The global heat flow database - status, progress and future projects, Cermak7: 7th International Meeting on Heat Flow and the Thermal Structure of the Lithosphere, Potsdam, Germany, 20-22.06.2022 (ORAL)
  • Fuchs, S., Förster, A., Norden, B. (2022) Evaluation of the terrestrial heat flow in Germany: A case study for the reassessment of global continental heat-flow data. Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 235, December 2022, 104231,
  • Norden, B., Förster, A., Fuchs, S. (2022) Quality assessment of German Heat Flow data: a contribution to a revised Global Heat Flow Database, Cermak7: 7th International Meeting on Heat Flow and the Thermal Structure of the Lithosphere., Potsdam, Germany, 20-22.06.2022 (POSTER)
