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Generate a data publication for heat flow data via GFZ Data Services

Together with our partner repository GFZ Data Services (the domain repository for geosciences data hosted at GFZ), we offer to assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to heat flow data or data collections. These data can either be already reported (published) in research articles or new data. 

Data publications with assigned DOI are fully citable in scholarly literature, and an increasing number of journals are requiring the data underlying scientific articles be made available together with the publication of the article. The data should be cited in the article similarly to citing other sources, e.g., by adding the citation in the body text (e.g. Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Group et al., 2024) and include the following citation in the references section of the article: 

Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Group et al. (2024): The Global Heat Flow Database: Release 2024. GFZ Data Services.

The data and metadata will be curated by the Heat Flow Core team and the data curators of GFZ Data Services. Once the DOI is registered, the data will automatically be included in the Global Heat Flow Database (GHFDB) - while keeping full credit for you as the authors - and additionally archived with GFZ Data Services. GFZ Data Services also offers “data in review links” that enable private access to the data during the review of articles. Usually, the DOI registration is timely correlated with the publication of the related article. 

During the metadata curation, the curators of GFZ Data Services implement the FAIR Principles by ensuring that persistent identifiers, like ORCID or ROR, are associated with the authors and their affiliations, all data sources are properly cited (using their DOIs), and that the data are described via appropriate linked-data vocabularies: e.g. from the NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) and from geoSciML, the Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI) of the International Union for Geological Sciences (IUGS).

Get a heat flow data DOI