Background Data in the Global Heat Flow Data Research Infrastructure
The Global Heat Flow Data Research Infrastructure integrates various global datasets to provide contextual mapping and geospatial analysis. These background datasets enhance the visualization of heat flow data by incorporating geology, topography, bathymetry, lithology, and stratigraphy, offering users a comprehensive understanding of Earth's thermal structure. Below is an overview of the datasets used in our mapping portal.
Geological Maps
- Global Lithospheric Thickness
Fullea, J., Lebedev, S., Martinec, Z., & Celli, N. L. (2021). WINTERC-G: mapping the upper mantle thermochemical heterogeneity from coupled geophysical–petrological inversion of seismic waveforms, heat flow, surface elevation and gravity satellite data. Geophysical Journal International, 226(1), 146-191.
- Moho Depth ECM1
Mooney et al., 2023. Earth Crustal Model 1 (ECM1): A 1° x 1° Global Seismic and Density Model.
- Moho Depth-Stephenson 2024
Stephenson, S. N., Hoggard, M. J., Holdt, M. C., & Galbraith-Olive, H. (2024). SeisCRUST (v1.0.1). Zenodo. This data set builds upon data from USGS GSC database Mooney (2023).
- Global Geological Provinces
Hasterok, D., Halpin, J. A., Collins, A. S., Hand, M., Kreemer, C., Gard, M. G., & Glorie, S. (2022). New maps of global geological provinces and tectonic plates. Earth-Science Reviews, 231, 104069.
- Global Plate Boundaries
Hasterok, D., Halpin, J. A., Collins, A. S., Hand, M., Kreemer, C., Gard, M. G., & Glorie, S. (2022). New maps of global geological provinces and tectonic plates. Earth-Science Reviews, 231, 104069.
- Global Cratons
Hasterok, D., Halpin, J. A., Collins, A. S., Hand, M., Kreemer, C., Gard, M. G., & Glorie, S. (2022). New maps of global geological provinces and tectonic plates. Earth-Science Reviews, 231, 104069.
- Global Sedimentary Basins
Evenick,J.C., 2021, Glimpses into Earth's history using a revised global sedimentary basin map, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 215, 2021, 103564, ISSN 0012-8252,
- Global Active Faults
Styron, Richard, and Marco Pagani. “The GEM Global Active Faults Database.” Earthquake Spectra, vol. 36, no. 1_suppl, Oct. 2020, pp. 160–180,
- Global Igneous Surface Rock Facies
Johansson, L., Zahirovic, S., & Müller, R. D. (2018). The interplay between the eruption and weathering of Large Igneous Provinces and the deep-time carbon cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 5380 –5389. 6.
- Global Seismic Hazard
K. Johnson, M. Villani, K. Bayliss, C. Brooks, S. Chandrasekhar, T. Chartier, Y. Chen, J. Garcia-Pelaez, R. Gee, R. Styron, A. Rood, M. Simionato, M. Pagani (2023). Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Seismic Hazard Map (version 2023.1 - June 2023), DOI: This work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA):
- Global Hotspots
Yoshida M. and M. Santosh (2020), Energetics of the Solid Earth: An integrated perspective, Energy Geoscience, 1, 28-35,
- Global Mean Soil Temperature
Johan van den Hoogen, Jonas Lembrechts, SoilTemp, Ivan Nijs, & Jonathan Lenoir. (2021). Global Soil Bioclimatic variables at 30 arc second resolution (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
- Global Calculated Surface Heat Flow (Lucazeau2019)
Lucazeau, F. (2019). Analysis and mapping of an updated terrestrial heat flow data set. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 4001– 4024.
- Global Calculated Surface Heat Flow (Fullea2021)
Fullea, J., Lebedev, S., Martinec, Z., & Celli, N. L. (2021). WINTERC-G: mapping the upper mantle thermochemical heterogeneity from coupled geophysical–petrological inversion of seismic waveforms, heat flow, surface elevation and gravity satellite data. Geophysical Journal International, 226(1), 146-191.
- Global Relief Model
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. 2022: ETOPO 2022 15 Arc-Second Global Relief Model. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
- Global Relief Model
Abrykosov, Oleh; Ince, E. Sinem; Förste, Christoph (2024): GDEMM2024: 30 Arcsec Global Digital Elevation Merged Model 2024, a suite for Earth relief. GFZ Data Services.
- Global Bathymetry and Topography
Tozer, B, Sandwell, D. T., Smith, W. H. F., Olson, C., Beale, J. R., & Wessel, P. (2019). Global bathymetry and topography at 15 arc sec: SRTM15+. Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2025-02-17.
- Global Terrain Model
Bathymetric Grid (GEBCO_2022 Grid), GEBCO Compilation Group (2022) GEBCO_2022 Grid,
- Global Surface Temperature
Huang, Boyin; Yin, Xungang; Menne, Matthew J.; Vose, Russell S.; and Zhang, Huai-Min. 2024. NOAA Global Surface Temperature Dataset (NOAAGlobalTemp), Version 6.0. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].
- Lithology & Stratigraphy
- National Boundaries
ESRI, World Countries Generalized,'' accessed February 2024.
- OpenStreetMaps
OpenStreetMap contributors (2025) Planet dump retrieved from URL: ,
- OpenTopoMap (by OpenStreetMaps)
For more details on how these datasets are utilized in our mapping tools, visit our Technical Documentation or explore the Interactive Map Viewer.